Eye Pressure Test
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C-38, upper ground floor, Hansraj Gupta Rd, Greater Kailash-1, C Block, New Delhi, 110048
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09:00 Am- 06:00 PM
Eye Pressure Testing Clinic in Delhi (Tonometry)
At Eyeroots Eye Clinic, we prioritize your eye health by providing thorough eye care, including ocular eye pressure testing. Think of your eye like a balloon. Inside, a transparent fluid called aqueous humour helps maintain its shape and supplies essential nutrients. Intraocular pressure (IOP) refers to the pressure exerted by this fluid.

Eye Pressure Testing
What is the average eye pressure?
Typically, a healthy ocular pressure falls within the range of 10 to 21 millimetres of mercury (mmHg). However, this can vary somewhat among individuals.
What causes high eye pressure?
- Excessive Production of Aqueous Humor: If your eye produces an excess of this fluid, it can result in high IOP.
- Blocked Drainage Angle: Your eye has a drainage angle through which fluid exits. If this angle is obstructed, the aqueous humour cannot drain properly, leading to pressure buildup.
- Impact of Eye Trauma: Injuries to the eye can compromise the drainage system, causing high IOP.
- Medication Side Effects: Certain medications, particularly corticosteroids, can increase ocular pressure as a side effect.
This increased pressure poses a risk factor for glaucoma, the leading cause of visual impairment. Early diagnosis and treatment depend crucially on regular eye examinations.
How do we test eye pressure?
At Eyeroots, we measure your eye pressure using a painless and rapid technique called Goldman applanation tonometry (GAT).
Why is regular eye pressure testing important?
High ocular pressure, often invisible, is a risk factor for glaucoma. Early detection depends on frequent eye exams, including pressure testing. Without proper attention, glaucoma can lead to vision loss like a silent danger. Schedule your eye test today to safeguard your invaluable vision.
Schedule your eye pressure test today!
Don’t delay in protecting your eye health. Arrange a comprehensive eye examination at Eyeroots eye clinic in Delhi, including eye pressure testing. To schedule an appointment, please call 9971385090 or visit.